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名称:DHZ-880 全自动书型盒组装机 



Full automatic book box assembling machine



Product introduction

DHZ-880, automatic book box assembly machine, is our company in DHZ-380 on the basis of the latest development cf a high-precision automatic book box assembly machine, this machine is mainly used for bottomless inner box assembly and somemoon cake boxes, tea boxes, health care boxes, wine boxes and other boxes of assembly and molding.



独创的打胶配方,可喷任意图形,系统自带记忆储存功能。做过的产品可直接调取对位即可开机,无需重新编辑打胶配方。组装速度快,定位准,误差范围在土0.3mm,最快时速在600- 1500个,深受国内外客户的一致好评。采用全新的内盒输送定位方式,压盒模上下距离可调等特点。




The machine is simple to use, easy to operate, stable performance, change the product debugging time is short, easy to learn and understandthe oporator requirements are not high.

The original glue formula can spray any graphics, and the system has its own memory storage function. The product can be directly transferredto the counterpoint, and no need to re edit the glue formula.

Fast assembling speed, accurate positioning, error range in (+0.3 mm), the fastest speed in 600-1500, well received by domestic and foreigncustomers.

It adopts a new internal box positicning method, and the upper and lower distance of the pressure box is adjustable.

The movement of the inner box is clamped by the manipulator to make the product quality more stable and reliable during the assemblypracess.

In order to prevent products from shifting at high temperature, cracking, cold glue system can be added to play a quality and quantity effect (hotglue positioning, cold glue reinforcement).

The electrical system of this machine adopts unified imported electrical, forming a perfect combination, so that the system rurs more stable and reliable.


  上一条产品:DHZ-880B 全自动书型盒组装机
下一下产品:DHZ - 380 / 680 全自动书型盒组装机

地址:浙江省瑞安市经济开发区宏远路1099号 电话/Tel:00577-66685660 联系人:胡先生 手机:13758796448
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友情链接: 全自动书型盒组装机 Paper bag making machinery